a fasting timer
needs no subscription
No Subscription
Software is a business - we get that. Yet, not every piece of software needs to have a subscription.
See how many times you have fasted, how many hours, and how many calories and body fat you have burned while fasting.
Calories and Body Fat Burned
Sure, it is not possible to give an accurate number of calories and body fat burned while fasting. However, we find it to be highly motivating to see those numbers, even if they are only a rough estimate.
A widget, what can we say ... put it on your screen so you don't have to open the app to see how many hours into your fast you are.
Here a few features we are currently working on:
Apple Watch App
Even more useful than a widget - the fasting timer on your Apple Watch.
Benefits Timeline
Your body goes through a lot of positive changes during a fast. See how your body is currently reacting to your fast, and what benefits are coming your way if you stick to the fast.
Fasting Buddy
Fasting can be a lonesome matter - we would like to change that and hook you up with a fasting buddy. Share your experience, get support when you need it.
Fastinating Articles
Fasting is a fastinating thing - let us dive into the history of fasting & bring you the latest in fasting science.